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Atelier do Sul 40 years+ of Design

BREXIT – to leave or not to leave that is the question

e-news - Fred

Less than a month before British voters decide about the future of UK in EU, the Algarve Resident asked five well-established British businesspeople, who live and work in the Algarve, for their take on the BREXIT.
Our CEO, Fred Phillips was one if the five who expressed his thoughts and, being in the design communication business along with his British sense of humour, thought BREXIT would be a good brand name for a Breakfast cereal! His article reflects his opinion not only as the owner of a company he created in 1979, but also of the person who adopted the Algarve as his new home, where he married a local girl Fatinha and raised their family here, already for more than 40 years. Since the article was published, he has been interviewed by L’Agence France-Press Portugal correspondent, Jerome Pin, who is preparing a TV report on the same subject…watch this space!
Read full article here.

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